Miya Family Organization in Rokugan | World Anvil
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Miya Family

The Miya family is the youngest of the Imperial families, formed only after the passing of the first Hantei. Miya, a loyal follower of Otomo, was a young, quick-witted and charming man who quickly became a favorite among those close to the Emperor. When the war against Fu Leng was finally won, it was Miya who brought the news of the victory to the first Hantei, who lay dying. The Emperor commanded Miya to continue spreading the news of the war’s end across the Empire. As he did so, he and his retainers assisted the war-ravaged Empire in rebuilding, leaving a sense of hope and purpose in their wake. When he returned to Otosan Uchi a hero, the wily Otomo saw an opportunity. He convinced the new Emperor, Hantei Genji, to allow Miya—still Otomo’s loyal follower—to found his own family, and a new Imperial family was born. The Miya have always been the smallest of the Imperial families, and the one with the least direct influence on and access to the Throne. They are, however, generally beloved across the Empire, so they wield their own brand of influence. Miya Heralds carry the edicts and pronouncements of the Emperor across the Empire, while Miya Cartographers survey the lands in order to create maps that properly delineate the various holdings of the clans. The Miya are, therefore, generally welcomed and trusted by all of the clans, which means they have acceptance in places that would view a Seppun or an Otomo much more warily. This allows the Miya to act as the dispassionate eyes and ears of the Imperials, noting and recording events affecting the Empire with a minimum of bias and reporting them back to the Emperor and the other Imperial families. Their relatively guileless and open nature allows the Miya an unparalleled degree of access across Rokugan while also ensuring that they remain reasonably unscathed during their travels among the clans. In terms of other roles in the Empire, the Miya are frequently found among the ranks of the Imperial Legions and the Emerald Magistrates. Their reputation for loyalty to the Emperor and impartiality in their dealings with others serves them in good stead in both of these stations. For the same reason, members of the Miya family are often found serving as arbitrators and judges, overseeing matters ranging from simple disputes over land and property, to sanctioned and formal duels between samurai, to complex trials over serious transgressions of Imperial law. It should also be noted that one particular Imperial office, that of the Imperial Herald, is a hereditary one traditionally held by the Miya family daimyō. A final important role played by the Miya is the delivery of the Emperor’s Blessing, the name by which Miya’s original journey through the Empire came to be known. The Blessing is now a formal event of rebuilding and repair, an annual activity of carpenters and craftspeople drafted for the purpose and deployed to whatever places in the Empire are deemed to most need it. This typically includes areas affected by the aftermath of war or natural disaster. Competition to receive the benefices of the Blessing is fierce among the clans, but its final deployment remains solely at the discretion of the Emperor, in consultation with the Miya daimyō.
Political, Family
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