The World of Inchanta in Roh Aztirg | World Anvil
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The World of Inchanta

Your World: Inchanta

Much of the world is known – or thought to be…

The planet is called Inchanta. The continent you are living on is called Roh Aztirg. There are two other known continents, one overrun by demons and the other dominated by Orcs. There is no trade or regular contact across continents and travel between them is dangerous and rare.


You are living in a great empire, build up over the last 500 years or so. It is known as the Hopehard Empire and is ruled by Emperor Trumpet.


Your character will be a member of the Stand for Justice Resistance Force, a rebellion that has been secretively forming across the empire. The heart of the resistance is in the Western city of Qetekenrai and this is where our story begins.


The world is ancient

Although the Empire is relatively young, there is a deep rich history of the races long before Humans settled on Roh Aztirg and made it their own.


Gods oversee the world

The Gods are real but very rarely manifest directly in the world.


Magic is common

Magic is a studied art in my world, widely available but not easily mastered. It is also regulated by the empire. Technically magic is legal but a lot of people would get uncomfortable if you were to bring it out in a pub and many establishments ban magic within their property. It is a crime to use magic on the streets to harm creatures unless you can claim self defense. Also magic duels are a common form of entertainment. Most universities have magic dueling teams and most cities have arena's where duels can be held and tickets can be sold to watch them.




Races that have established communities within the Empire











Secluded communities that rarely engage with the rest of the empire





Races that are known on the planet of Inchanta but are rarely seen in Roh Aztirg

Inhabitants of the demon continent

Farel Tiefling



Inhabitants of the Orc continent


Orc (The Orcs are a deeply misunderstood race who bear cultural resemblance to Klingons in my world)



Inhabitants of other planes of existence that occasionally show up in Roh Aztirg



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