Uptown Settlement in Riza | World Anvil
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Eternity's uptown is the most expensive part of the city. Because it houses most major government buildings, including the Council Building and the @ARK facility, there is a considerably higher police and military presence uptown than downtown. And because of this increased police presence keeping the streets "safe", most non government buildings uptown are expensive. One of the most notable high price buildings is Gagalim Tower, the highest residential building in Riza.   Uptown is zoned to have tall buildings, especially in comparison to the Red Light District and downtown . Being in one of the many skyscrapers uptown gives a sense of being able to see all of Eternity.

Industry & Trade

Retail rental spaces uptown cost an exorbitant amount of money, much like everything else in the area. Small businesses strugle substantially due to the high costs to stay in business. There is a common saying among Rizan economists about businesses in uptown Eternity: "If you don't make it by the first month, you won't make it to the second." This saying references the fact that 61% of small businesses that begin operations uptown fail within the first six months. The only small businesses that succeed are those who get an unusual surge of business early on, or those established by people who have enough money to cover the costs without the business' earnings.   As such, chains (and subsidiaries) make up a whopping 90% of all businesses in uptown Eternity.


Despite it's importance to Eternity and Riza as a whole, due to the nature of uptown being something of a financial district, there is not much tourism. The only potentially touristy places in uptown would be the handful of governmentally funded museums.


The industrial district is known for its sleek high-rise buildings that scrape the heavens.
Location under

Photo Credits: Liam Wong


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