Tenebris Demonics Species in Riza | World Anvil
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Tenebris Demonics

Tenebrae are a blind sub-species of demonic originating in caves.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Before the information of the Tenebri into larger society outside of the cave systems in which they originated, Tenebri diet was very restricted. Most Tenebri lived off of the meat of other cave creatures and kinos berries. Due to the importance of kinos berries in their diets, over time Tenebri evolved to be immune to kinos poison.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Tenebris eyes typically are one solid color (most commonly black or white), with no visible iris or pupil. Some tenebrae may not have eyes at all, but that is a recessive trait and thus rare; especially for demonics that aren't 100% tenebris.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tenebris demonics are typically almost entirely blind and rely on their other senses for survival. Tenebrae vision only includes the general level of light in view, and cannot make out outlines or shapes. Tenebrae primary sense is their horns, which receives vibrations creating an echolocation type of effect.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Tenebrae typically have desaturated dark skin and hair evolved for blending in with shadow.


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