Rivendom Rivendom Timeline Timeline

Rivendom Timeline

  • 0

    Birth of the Dominion
    Era beginning/end

    Cilritanë a'Detvida, ruler of the Kingship of the Bone Trees, declares himself the ruler of the Dominion, the united clans of the tretâllë.

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  • 2993


    Wars of Succession Begin
    Military action

    With the death of Imperator Filiren a'Noren, sole surviving heir of his mother, Imperatrix Veltari a'Noren, a vacuum of power is created.   Lemhyn a'Sen, a retired member of the Imperial Guard, declares for the Lady Isena a'Dovyndë, precipitating the conflict between claimants to the throne.   Thirty two years after the beginning of the struggle for the throne, a gifted young man, Zovynnë a'Devytorë, who had only just conscripted into the Imperial Guard at the beginning of the wars of succession but was promoted to the station of Lord General during the wars, takes the throne, ending the wars of succession.

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  • 3291

    The First Torch-Bearer War
    Political event

    Valaren a'Diren sparks a civil war by attempting to overturn the Law of Lineality and stripping the Twin Courts of power.

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  • 3300

    First Torch-Bearer War Ends
    Political event

    Valaren a'Diren is deposed by Keýra a'Callan, and power is restored to the Twin Courts

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  • 3460

    Second Torch-Bearer War
    Political event

    Ordanen a'Callan attempts to follow in Valaren's footsteps by abolishing the Law of Lineality after the mysterious death of her mother.

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  • 3473

    Second Torch-Bearer War Ends
    Political event

    An army fielded by the Lords and Ladies Superior of the Twin Courts deals a decisive blow to Ordanen a'Callan's forces and captures the Imperatrix as a consequence. Ordanen is tried and executed for treason.

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  • 4103

    Third Torch-Bearer War
    Political event

    Lisarna a'Dovyndë, influenced by the philosophy of Valaren a'Diren, declares the Twin Courts powerless and abolishes the Law of Lineality. She is hanged by her own regretful mother during the Season of Darkness, and the Twin Courts, facing pressure from the public and the High Houses of the realm, decide to excise the provision for matriarchal inheritance from the Law of Lineality.

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  • 26320

    Birth of the Voices of Stone and Sky
    Cultural event

    Hierarch Amanhet of the Támarhetë ascends to become the Voices of Justice.

  • 30087

    24 /5

    Shardscape Crisis Begins
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    In a Dominion war camp at the border with the Silvered Realm, three scouts have failed to return at the appointed date, a Length (9 days) after their mission, and have been missing for a further three days. A group of soldiers is dispatched to look for the scouts, and encounter not only Elledŷnnë in Dominion territory, but a new phenomenon involving a strange mist that seems to hide otherworldly creatures within it.