Character Creation in Rimeport | World Anvil

Character Creation

Character Creation

  Start by thinking of a character concept. Where is your character from? Are they local to Rimeport, or from elsewhere in Linnadeigh? Or might they even be from abroad? What do they do? What are their values? Are they good or bad? What are they good and bad at? How do they speak, how do they interact with people?   Your character is described - in mechanical terms, at least - by your character sheet. When you sit down for your character creation session, I'll walk you through it.  


  Your species determines your baseline, affecting everything from your appearance to your social standing to your physical abilities. The main species available to beginning players are:  
  • Human - an easy place to start.
  • Elf - Tall, slender, long-lived and mystical.
  • Half-Elf - Hybrids of human and elf, combining the features of both.
  • Halfling - Short and easygoing, with a fondness for food and golf.
  • Half-Orc - Half orc and (normally) half human, half-orcs are large, burly and strong.
  • Dragonborn - Descended from dragons, dragonborn are strong, resilient and with powers influenced by their ancestry.
  • Dwarf - Short and stocky, with a social tradition of working in mines, many dwarves nowadays live in cities - much to the disappointment of their parents.
  • Gnome - Small and quick, often interested in mechanics and tinkering.
  • Tiefling - Horned creatures of demonic ancestry.
  There are plenty of other species available, and several of these species have subspecies that lean towards other things. If you want to play something else, let me know.  


  Your character's class determines the path they've chosen in life; their job, vocation, or simply an aggregate of their hobbies and interests. The main classes available in the D&D base game are:  
  • Barbarian
  • Bard
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Fighter
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Ranger
  • Rogue
  • Sorcerer
  • Warlock
  • Wizard
  • Artificer
  These classes are intended for a medieval-inspired setting; if you feel none fits your character concept, let me know and we'll figure out a custom class for you.   Your character will begin at first level. As the game progresses, the characters will increase in level using a milestone system; this means that at suitable moments, all the characters will increase in level together.  

Ability Scores

  Your character has six ability scores, reflecting their natural abilities:  
  • STR - Strength: Natural strength and athleticism. Particularly important for barbarians, fighters and paladins. (Humans, +1; dragonborn, +2; half-orcs, +2; mountain dwarfs, +2)
  • DEX - Dexterity: Agility, reflexes and balance. Particularly important for monks, rangers and rogues. (Humans, +1; elves, +2; halflings, +2; forest gnomes, +1)
  • CON - Constitution: Health and stamina. Important for survival in general. (Humans, +1; dwarfs, +2; half-orcs, +1; stout halflings, +1; rock gnomes, +1)
  • INT - Intelligence: Mental acuity, memory, cognitive ability. Particularly important for wizards. (Humans, +1; gnomes, +2; tieflings, +1; high elves, +1)
  • WIS - Wisdom: Awareness, intuition and insight. Particularly important for clerics and druids. (Humans, +1; hill dwarfs, +1; wood elves, +1)
  • CHA - Charisma: Performing ability, leadership, confidence, eloquence. Particularly important for bards, sorcerers and warlocks. (Humans, +1; half-elves, +2; dragonborn, +1; tiefling, +2; drow, +1; lightfoot halflings, +1)
  Roll 4D6. Choose the three highest and add them together. Do this six times to get six scores between 3 and 18. Then assign each of these numbers to one of your attributes; the higher the better. Which ones to focus on depends on your class. You get to add a bonus (as listed above) based on your species.  

Fleshing Out




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