The Sky Scholars Organization in Rhunec | World Anvil
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The Sky Scholars

The Sky Scholars is the organization that are the caretakers of the The Library at Heim. They are ancient group that has always lived in the upper reaches of the The Heim Volcano. Their task is to maintain the Library and guard its secrets. They get their name from the infamous Glacier Gate, a passage carved from the clearest blue ice of the glacier that cloaks the volcano. The First Librarian is the leader of the Sky Scholars and treated with respect throughout Rhunec. Librarians are instantly rocognizeable by their colored and armored waistcoats. The different colors denote the rank the Librarian holds within the Sky Scholars.   The First oversees the roughly 200 librarians that live in the Library. They are different ranks inside the organization. There are the Æsku, the youngest or the newest members of the volcano. They are denoted by grey and blue tunics. that do not have any armor. Children born to the Sky Scholars or adopted into the organization are given this rank. Æsku gain the rank of Apprentice at 13 years of age. Apprentice Librarians are denoted by their deep blue coats. Outsiders who join the volcano will also start at his rank. Above Apprentices are the Third Librarians, Second Librarians, and the First Librarian in order of increasing rank. Apprentices become Third Librarians by 18 years of age. They are given a Sect, an Assignment, and a red coat. The Assignment can be to the Library at Heim or to an outside library. The libraries throughout Rhunec are often overseen by a Second Librarian or two with many Third Librarians serving underneath them. Second Librarians are anointed around 30 years of age and are denoted by yellow coats. The First Librarian also has several Deputies that are selected form the Second Librarians. The First Librarian wears black.  


The Librarians are organized into Sects that oversee certain parts of the Library. Members of each Sect can receive Assignment to gather new materials for their Sect and bring it back to the Library. They can also be sent to retrieve materials that are over due and need to be returned to the Library.  


The Librarians part of the Eldri Sect are charged with maintaining the ancient knowledge and text buried in the deepest parts of the Library. The Eldri are the most respected Sect and for good reason. They are the most disciplined, most knowledgeable, and most fierce warriors in the Library.  


This Sect of Librarians are in charge of the large section of the Library that houses philosophy, history, and general texts. This is the largest Sect and the most general.  


This Sect oversees the portions of the Library that house art and poetry. One of the smaller Sects, Sætur is seen as one of the more relaxed and expressive groups of Librarians.  


The Drepa are the Sect of Librarians that oversee military texts and artifacts. They oversee Library security as well. It is rumored that the Drepa have some of the most dangerous Artifacts locked away in their secret vaults.  


The growing Sect of Librarians that oversee collections on technology, science, and mathematics are called the Visindi. They are the smallest Sect within the Sky Scholars.  


The last Sect is in charge of materials on medicine, healing, and all forms of crafting. They have blueprints and formulas for many of the creations and recipes found throughout Rhunec. They are one of the middling sized Sects within the Sky Scholars.
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