Conquering the Heim Tradition / Ritual in Rhunec | World Anvil
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Conquering the Heim

Every year in Krutar, young girls and boys who wish to become adults in the eyes of the Wolf, must complete a harrowing challenge. They must climb to the top of the Heim and then sled down the edge of Krutar. In one day. To accomplish this, many leave at midnight, so that they deadly descent is during the light of day. The challenge is held on the longest day of the year, when the sun never sets. This ensures the most amount of light possible for the competitors to complete the challenge. If they successfully make it down, then they are considered full grown and can take on apprenticeships. Deaths do occur, when the youths are not prepared or do not start early enough.   While considered the coming of age rite for the people of The Pine Coast, other people journey to Krutar in order to take part in the challenge. Often these are thrill seekers, adventurers, or mages interested in unlocking School of the Wolf magic.   There are three ways to climb the Heim, the frozen waterfalls, the cliff faces, or the switchback ridges. Each has its own dangers. To return down the volcano, there is only one route. It is a massive avalanche chute that opens up into a wide snow field. The finish line is at the edge of this snow field. To finish the challenge, contestents must return to the finish line with a pure icicle that hangs from the Eldingar statue. This statue, a massive wolf carved out of utterly black obsidian crowns the volcano at its peak. The icicle that cling to this statue are unnaturally clear and shaped with characteristic zigzags due to the extreme environment. With the light shining through the icicles, it looks like the statue is wreathed in lightning.   Whoever reaches the finish line with their icicle first is given a boon by the Jarl of Krutar.


Conquering the Heim dates back centuries. The stories say that Eldingar the Wolf tested the First Jarl of Krutar to this same challenge.

Components and tools

Each person attempting the challenge must carry their own sled all the way to the top of the Heim, pick up an icicle from the statue, and sled down with their icicle. They victoriously stab their icicles into the finish line at the bottom to become full adults.


Young people who wish to become full members of Wolf society. They come from all over the Pine Coast. Participants also come from around Rhunec, often adventurers or magic seekers.


Conquering the Heim is held every year on day of the Summer Solstice, so that the participants have the most time possible to complete the challenge.
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