Cult of Baphomet Organization in Rhoprax | World Anvil
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Cult of Baphomet

The cult consists solely of Minotaurs, Ogres, and Giants. Ghour, burly, hairless Minotaurs, are said to lead the cult in the ways of Baphomet.
Baphomet is said to grant rulership of a portion of his Endless Maze to those who perform outstandingly.


Eating those who do not perform to standards is a standard ritual in the cult, as Baphomet does the same to those who displease him.
Other than that, doing whatever the Ghour (and therefore Baphomet) ask is paramount in keeping your skin and earning the favour of the Horned King himself.


The Minotaur Purist Faction believe that only Minotaur are worthy of Baphomet (despite Baphomet himself using other races). They take the fact that he amalgamates as a minotaur to mean that they are who he intended to lead.
Religious, Cult

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