Rhina Calamity
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Disaster / Destruction


Shortened to Calamity, the second calamity is the second major planar event of Rhina. The first of course being the Saefi War. Calamity began with the death of Solsyn, spurring natural disasters across Rhina. Alongside the natural destruction, some empires saw their chance to increase power.

At the beginning of Calamity, many of those who would become the new gods conspired against Solsyn to have her assassinated. After 400 years of the same gods, this once again proved that like Thi, they were not immortal; although they carried great power, they could die and the Breathe they carried would be passed on.   However, the death of Solsyn was not a smooth transition to the new gods. The battle against her began the destruction, as the old goddess held the ability to control most natural sources on Rhina. At her death, these sources were uncontrolled and continued to rag. Hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, fires, intense heat, and blizzards were common and viciously juxtaposed. It is estimated that Calamity set back the development of Rhina by two- to three- hundred years.   Calamity was solely the fault of the new gods, and there was little the people could do in the face of the gods. Still, they tried. Catastrophists popped up across Rhina, and combined their knowledge. While some focused on the attempt to control and combat the natural disasters, others attempted to understand the cause. Of course, they found the gods at the center of it. Mortals attempted to add their strength in the fight. Most notable of catastrophists are Anshe Radwan and Nylly Livsey who disappeared halfway through Calamity. They were leading experts in natural magic and many considered them the best hope to combat the gods and their destruction. When they disappeared, knowledge and efforts were set back.   When Calamity finally settled, many of the new gods remained without followers for generations. Slowly, the people forgot and accepted the new gods and their guidance.  
  Historical descriptions of Calamity will include most of the previous information. However, there are some divergent theories.   The most popular contrary theory is that the new gods were not attacking Solsyn , but Rhina. In this case Rhina was reacting for her own protection, and Solsyn aided her in protection. Those who believe this cite dreams and prayers that connect people to Solsyn, suggesting that the old goddess is still alive.

Related timelines & articles
History of the Gods
History of Rhina