Titanstone Knuckles Item in Rey'pelulent Unrebooted | World Anvil
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Titanstone Knuckles

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Titanstone Knuckles

Wondrous Item Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)   Carved from the heartstone of a ruined earth primordial, these gauntlets bestow immeasurable might to the wearer   Dormant State The wielder's Strength score becomes 22. The wielder gains the Siege effect of being able to deal double damage against objects and structures.   Awakened State The wielder's Strength score becomes 24. The wielder can use an action to grow in size as per the Enlarge spell for 10 minutes. They cannot use this ability again until they finish a long rest.   Exalted State The wielder's Strength score becomes 26. While the wielder is under the effects of the Enlarge spell granted by this item, they gain resistance to fire, cold, and lightning damage. This lasts as long as they are affected by the spell. Legendary (this item requires attunement)

These Pure stone gantlets are one of a kind. (This can ONLY BE ATTUNED BY BARBARIANS OR PALADINS)

Cost: 500,000 PP Weight: Unknown



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