The Week of the Full Moon Tradition / Ritual in Rey'pelulent Unrebooted | World Anvil
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The Week of the Full Moon

On the first annual occurrence of a week where the last day of the said week coincides with the last day of its respective month the week of the full moon occurs. The moon remains full for the entirety of the week. Its magic is heightened at this time. The middle of the week is when the effects are greatest and most specific. On Kiy'lxdej the sea is most greatly affected. On Iofumdej the creatures of the night are most greatly affected. On Kahjdej all beasts are most greatly affected, it is on this day and the previous that the moon lingers even during the day. the last day of great lunar magick takes place on Yulodej and greatly affects spells and other magicks of all varieties.


The holiday is a perfect example of the impact Thx'hoon has on the world. This is a celestial event which does not correspond with a celestial occurrence. It is instead linked to the calendar gifted to the world by the glorious ones.


On this week there are many festivals and locked doors. The time is a time of dangerous celebration. Peoples who embrace the wild magic of the holiday host thematic festivals, orgies, and rituals throughout the week. Those who tend toward cowardice and wariness lock their doors, shutter their windows and spend the time with family.

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