The Blades of the Coseries Item in Rey'pelulent Unrebooted | World Anvil
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The Blades of the Coseries

Ethan, Balk
The BLADE of the Coseries is a powerful, infinite blade forged of an impossible metal of the elder planes. The BLADE is and was and will forever be forged by great astral cyclopes wielding immense power. These creatures are known as Coseries. If one listens closely whist wielding an artifact linked to the cosmological blade he/she may faintly hear the strained grunts and weird forges of these creatures as they continue their eternal task.   There are a few worldly artifacts forged with the imperfections time has polished off the infinite astral blade. The highly magical material is known simply as Scale and the weapons imued with the substance are the blades of the coceries.

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