The 5 Tiamatt Artifacts Item in Rey'pelulent Unrebooted | World Anvil
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The 5 Tiamatt Artifacts

Matt, Ethan


The wielder must be a devout warrior of Tiamatt. If the potential wielder is not a devout follower of tiamatt he/she is immediately struck down. (This is what is assumed but is not actually the case the wielder must at least be a worshiper/venerator of Tiamatt (To be a devout of a god the god must also see you as devout and not, say, a threat to her throne)) If the wielder does not use the weapons every 24 hours the artifacts deal the wielder's hp/3 damage to the wielder.  

Bonuses Accrued From Possession of Any of the Artifacts


When any one mortal possesses even one of these artifacts said hero or villain can cast control weather, ichor imbuement (high level healing spell better than regeneration but worse than power word heal), spartoi (true resurrection), teleport, simulacrum, plane shift, cone of cold, fire storm, demiplane, prismatic wall, divine word, and feeblemind with no material components through the artifact. Although there are a couple caveats. Only one spell may be cast per day per artifact and the first artifact obtained can only cast the first 4 spells it casts through its user and two more spells may be cast with every artifact obtained after that.  

Tiamatt's Rage

Whenever a wielder of these divine weapons sets eyes upon an angel, daemon, or similarly unearthly creature with which the wielder harbors hatred, fear, etc towards, the wielder must make a wisdom saving throw. (DC 15) On a failure the wielder goes into a state of divine rage.   Divine Rage The wielder must use the tiamanian artifact to attack the aberrant being before him/her. The wielder deals double damage to the target.  

Damage Immunity

When the hero/villain obtains the artifact associated with the chromatic dragon with which he/she most aligns he/she gains immunity to the associated damage type(s).  

Dragon Sickness

The longer one wields at least one of the five artifacts the more pronounced the physical alteration to the user becomes. This alteration is called dragon sickness. The wielder grows in size and nefariousness, gaining large horns and vicious teeth.  

The Artifacts Themselves

  1. Red Dragon Axe (Fane Eater): The first artifact of Tiamatt is an unadorned, crude +3 battle axe carven of a single dragon bone. The axe provides advantage against all things grotesque, wonderful, and otherworldly. It also deals an extra 2d8 radiant/necrotic/fire damage to those creatures as well as an extra 1d8 per other Tiamatt artifact possessed by the wielder. It grants resistance to fire damage when wielded.
  2. Black Dragon Gauntlets: The second artifact of Tiamatt, gauntlets made of black dragon hide, give the user advantage on strength checks and saving throws and your strength increases to 30 and unarmed strikes made with the gauntlets equipped deal 2d6+3+strength-mod acid/necrotic damage. The gauntlets increase the wearer's AC by 2 and provide resistance to certain necrotic damage and most acid damage.
  3. Green dragon Shield: The third artifact of Tiamatt is a +3 skjoldr crafted of titanwood and green dragon hide. The shield grants the wielder immunity to poison and the ability to telepathically communicate with wyrms.
  4. White Dragon Plate: The fourth artifact of tiamatt is a set of +3 plate armour. The armour is crafted of semi-sentient white dragon hide. When donned, the armour unceremoniously fits itself to the wearer, making it impossible to remove if it is unwilling. The armour is always covered in frost and lowers the temperature in its radius quite considerably. It provides the wearer with resistance to cold damage and any creature other than the wearer who looks at it the wrong way or gets within a foot of it feels the cold nip of an angry dragon and takes 1d6+3 cold damage
  5. Blue Dragon Boots: The fifth artifact of Tiamatt is a pair of boots constructed of blue dragon hide. They allow the wearer to cast thunder step at will. They also increase the wearer's movement speed by 10 feet. Whenever the wearer kills anything he/she regains 1d10 hp unless that thing is a wyrm, in which case the wearer regains 2d10+5 HP

Bonuses Accrued From Possession of All of the Artifacts


The wielder is known as the Chromatic Inferno.

Legendary Actions

The wielder gains 3 legendary actions in which it can move, attack, or cast spells. Something about legendary resistances which can only be exhausted thrice per day.

Draconic Bloodlust

This ability can only be used once per week. For a week after the bloodlust transformation the DC for Divine Rage increases to 20. In addition the chromatic flame deals (10d20+40)*2 damage for (1dclass-level)/2 days. The chromatic flame also transforms into a random ancient chromatic dragon for 1d4 hours following the activation of draconic bloodlust. Whilst in dragon form a short rest regenerates spells as a long rest normally would.  

Original Wording of the Powers of the Complete Set Because it was Confusing as Hell

Legendary Paladin of Tiamatt (Has all artifacts) 3 legendary actions can move attack or us a spell, 3/day legendary resistances, Gods fury Add 10d20+40X2 use once a week and the curses DC increases to 20 and can transform into any ancient chromatic dragon for an hour once per long rest and can regenerate all paladin spell slots in a short rest


Religious, Power to Conquer
Item type
Unique Artifact

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