Gryphon of Madness Item in Rey'pelulent Unrebooted | World Anvil
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Gryphon of Madness

"The screams of a gryphon are like the screams of the insane. It is through this creature that the majesty of madness is displayed."

The bronze figurine can be sewn (or hurled) into the ground in order to sprout a full grown gryphon. The gryphon stays flesh and blood for 6 hours and can not transform again for 5 days after returning to its statuette form. The gryphon summoned is chaotic when not being commanded, but will submit to all orders the sewer gives it. The one who possesses the figurine feels invincible; he/she gains proficiency and expertise in one skill but suffers a negative proficiency modifier to another pre-existing skill. The figurine becomes restless, writhing and thrashing about, when near quadrupedal, winged beasts.

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