Dragon Shackles Item in Rey'pelulent Unrebooted | World Anvil
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Dragon Shackles

These mighty shackles will, one day, bring an end to the reign of a false god

The one who possesses the shackles may use an action to place them on an incapacitated creature. The creature then is shackled and restrained. (When the shackles are applied the user can allow a walking speed if he or she so desires) The manacles also prevent the shackled creature from using any form of extra-dimensional travel methods the creature would impose upon itself. If the user uses the shackles for a purpose which the user knows to be unjust the shackles will deal psychic damage to him/her. Possession of the shackles is quite taxing. The user must sleep (or meditate) for longer (an extra 2 hours) to make up for it.

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