DICC Character in Rey'pelulent Unrebooted | World Anvil
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Ethan, Trae


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

DICC is a scrawny dinobold who possesses horns and a bald head with a propensity to stare off into the distance.

Special abilities

He seems to have recently awakened some bardic magic within himself. When he plays his recorder shapes formed of a viscous, white magic sometimes manifest. He is spending time meditating to learn to channel this musical magick.

Apparel & Accessories

Phallic recorder

Specialized Equipment

A mouldy tome which he is working on translating and which is incredibly dear to him. The cover bears the title - K a u ra.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

He highly values love, passion, and desire.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

If given ample time to think, he usually contributes the most useful insights of any group he is in. He is quite skilled at playing his recorder.

Vices & Personality flaws

He can be a bit of a perv at times.

Personality Quirks

He keeps his recorder and book on his person at all times.
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
Stabbed through the heart as he exited the escape tunnel. He fought tooth and claw even after being stabbed so the others could safely escape.

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