Cloak of Useful Items Item in Rey'pelulent Unrebooted | World Anvil
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Cloak of Useful Items

This cloak was created and worn by an unnamed villain. He had the power to make whole towns dissipate into a pile of patches in a matter of minutes. He affixed these trophies to his cloak for later use. The wearer of the cloak feels fantastic, as though noting can go wrong. This may be because the soul of the evil wizard still haunts the cloak and revels in his achievements through it's use.   Many patches are missing but of the ones which remain there are:
  • 2x Bullseye lantern (filled and lit)
  • 2x Dagger
  • 2x 10-foot pole
  • 2x Steel mirror
  • 2x Hempen rope (50 feet, coiled)
  • 2x Sack

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