Cloak of the Displacer Beast Item in Rey'pelulent Unrebooted | World Anvil
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Cloak of the Displacer Beast

This foetish only works arcanely in dim lighting or darkness. The cape of the cloak has two pockets for your hands which allow your unarmed attacks (if you attack open handed with your palm) to deal 1d4 piercing damage (there is an embroidery of spikes). The cloak also allows the user to gain advantage on stealth checks because he/she can make yourself seem like he/she is in a slightly different location, allowing the user to hide more easily. The user can also use an action to polymorph into a tiny displacer beast with vestigial wings. The wings allow the polymorphed creature to negate some falling damage by gliding. The user has the stats of a bat except echolocation & keen hearing are replaced with avoidance & displacement and the bat/beast has no flying speed. The polymorphed user retains his/her wisdom, intelligence, and charisma scores.

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