Niki the Immortal Character in Requiem's Realm | World Anvil
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Niki the Immortal

The girl who loved a Demon

Niki Pyre

History is tragedy, the future is predictable, and the present is nothing but a curse. I'd say I'm suicidal but at this point I've given up trying. The fall never kills me no matter how high I climb, but it always hurts just as much as the first time.
-Niki Pyre, The Immortal
The first of the few mortals to ever become an Immortal Niki was once in love with Alastair Hellfire. Although the two never formally dated they did love each other. However, Alastair killed Niki during the The Fall of Riverstorm and shortly after Lucifer Morgane cursed her with eternal life. Why Lucifer chose to curse her can only be speculated but Niki has used her immortality to spite Demon King at every opportunity and while she very rarely displays any kind of emotion she has been rather successful in her efforts.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

They say that to be a hero is to suffer in the place of others who do not deserve the burden, but Niki makes me wonder, how long our heroes must suffer before we finally realize, that they are also hurting?
-Archer Sun, The Darksoul Knight
Niki was born in the city of Riverstorm and is thought to be the only person who survived its destruction. during her childhood, Niki was one of the only members of the upper class who believed that her father (The Barron of Riverstorm) was running the city wrong and that the merchants of the city needed to dedicate themselves to helping the needy members of the city outside the Sliver Wall. Despite this, she refused to let Alastair Hellfire along with his sister and a few extremist henchmen destroy her home and family. Because of this, she was killed in the battle that inevitably ensued between the two factions. However, after all, was said and done Lucifer Morgane visited Riverstorm and cursed Niki with immortality. Why he did this no one can be sure but the spell is irreversible and even the demon king does not have the power to destroy Niki. The immortal is thus cursed to live a life she doesn't want and spends most of her time actively trying to ruin the Demon King's designs for worldly destruction.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Light Green
Long, Glossy Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
whenever Niki enters or leaves a battlefield where knew a soldier that died she pays homage with a simple phrase. "Good Night and peace be to you all, Heroes not forgotten."


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