Eclelon Geographic Location in Requiem | World Anvil

Eclelon (eck-lay-lawn)

Considered by many to be the more civilized half of Tamlron, Eclelon makes up the eastern portion of the Shattered Continent. To the east is a land known as Mistrest, composed of misty highlands and mountains that cut through the sky. Rolling hills lay south of the expansive forest Galaenathyr, which sits in the beating heart of the land, with rapids and streams cutting through the tightly-knit oaks. To the north, swamp and mire, a place of quiet and stillness, a stark contrast to what it sits above. The southern tip is a place of sharp cliffs, black skies, and a black summit, bottled up rage stored within. The Realms of Eclelon are often at odds, and borders are changing size every moon cycle. Contention around magic users, tyrants, and ancient powers is on the rise, and, like the Spire of Soot, will soon erupt.
Alternative Name(s)
The East
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