Tmiwa Species in Renúdetla | World Anvil


The Tmiwa are found only in the deepest recesses of the deep woods. They are the caretakers of the trees, friends of the spirits, and guardians of the forests. Wherever they appear in the pages of history, their presence outside the forests is made known only in whispers and fairy tales. However local myth and legend might portray them; the Gardeners are a quiet folk, and enjoy keeping to their lives among the trees. There is no recording of any Tmiwa traveling past the expanse of the youngest of trees at the outer edges of the furthest forests.

Basic Information


Small in stature, and slender as a rule. Hair color ranges from brown, green, and yellow and typically kept in dreads.

Ecology and Habitats

No person has ever reportedly been invited to a Kmiwa village or settlement of any kind, if any exist. Reported sightings and interactions are always within short distance to heavily wooded areas. Historically, they rarely interact with other sapients and live within the hinterlands of the trees.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Primeval or Preternatural forests and jungles

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Keen sensory receptors, excellent vision at day or night and extraordinary hearing. Some reports claim they have a natural healing ability, other stories report abilities related to plants and animals.
Average Height
110 - 132 cm
Average Weight
16 - 24 kg
Geographic Distribution


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