King Edward Celris Character in Renedge | World Anvil

King Edward Celris

King Edward Celris of Kalgrid (a.k.a. King Ed)

The king of Kalgrid on the world of Egain. He is an old and very experienced human male warrior. He rides a brave warhorse who is not too familiar with weird magical creatures. He is typically accompanied by a manservant with a donkey, giving the impression that King Edward is Don Quixote made flesh. The king is nearly a paladin despite the near lack of magic on his world.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

An old but still fit human male covered in scars.

Apparel & Accessories

For battle, King Edward wears a suit of fine full plate armor and carries typical knightly weapons.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

King Edward first encountered our heroes on Argerus in 23 ARL. At the time, his kingdom was suffering from a famine with no clear cause or solution. Since he still had a strong army, he had come to Argerus through a recently discovered portal to try to offer the services of himself and his men as mercenaries, hoping to use the profits to buy grain for his people.   Edward's morals initially made this difficult. He broke a contract when he refused to slaughter children, and if he had contracts before that it is likely they ended similarly. His fortunes turned when he happened across Knight, Terana, Kit, and Sunderfury while they were looking for mercenaries to help New Hallownest in its war with the yellow formians. Despite his lamentation that he was apparently "no mercenary", the adventurers found his moral convictions admirable and his cause sympathetic. They offered a major contract and expert aid. Within minutes, they (and more specifically, their friend Saheeb) had handed the king a scroll containing all the information he needed on the doomsday cult that had been secretly causing the kingdom's crisis.   King Edward was very grateful, and while some of his troops went to deal with the cult and other subordinates purchased grain, he rapidly mobilized his army to reinforce New Hallownest and aid it in its war.

Morality & Philosophy

In many ways a paladin king, Edward Celris has strong (and apparently conventional) morals. He dislikes lying, keeps his word, refuses to harm innocents, and so forth.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  • Prefers not to lie and rarely (if ever) does.
  • Takes offense to implications that he and his soldiers can't handle something.
  • Alignment
    Lawful Good
    Grey? Has a beard.
    Aligned Organization


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