2023/10/11: Continued Adventures in Space Part 7 Report Report in Renedge | World Anvil

2023/10/11: Continued Adventures in Space Part 7 Report

General Summary

Buzz, Lillith, Johann, Kal'vus, Union   There's still a glowing thing in the big antimagic pool. It looks pretty far down, but the water is distorting distances badly. It's unclear what it is.   Buzz checked a computer display. A number of locations were marked as having system failures/emergencies. Cargo bay, sensor dish on front of ship, deflector shield generators, and the hydrogen tanks all had lights blinking red. The hydrogen tanks were or were in the big antimagic pool.   The party went to check the deflector shield generators, which were just next door. It turned out this was the room with the poorly done ritual circle, where the party had found the scrying dish. The party did a thorough strip-search of the room, to the extent of pulling panels off the walls and searching behind them. They didn't find much. They did find a tricorder, but it seemed to be out of power. The wire-filled boxes in the middle of the room, likely the deflector shield generators, didn't appear to be damaged, so the source of the fault was unclear.   Buzz spent materials and some permanent tech points to fix and power the tricorder with technomancy.   While Buzz was doing that, Union and Johann looked through a set of manuals Union had found and Kal'vus stood guard. Then a bunch of the little hit point oozes showed up and swarmed the party. The party fled back to the pool room with Kal'vus providing rear cover. They managed to get back through the doors before they could be buried in a flood of oozes.   The oozes pursued them up the transport tube on the left side of the ship. Union and Buzz, leading the party, sensed themselves pass through a timeslip as they entered Deck 4. They'd walked into a time distortion. It seemed harmless, though, and the green blobs seemed to be delayed, so the party carried on toward the cargo bays, one of the other anomaly locations. They took shelter in Cargo Bay 1 while Buzz finished his tricorder.   The repaired tricorder showed a large explosion right on top of the party. He found his way to the center of the explosion, which was the very angry computer. He started trying to find a way to direct the angry thing in the computer through to the hydrogen tanks, hoping it and the antimagic water elemental would blow each other up. Knowing that might blow the party up as well, Buzz called Orb to see if she could advise on what to do to make it safe. Suddenly, the whole party was pulled back to a safe room in Castle Fallingstar. Apparently the temporal distortion was so bad that Orb thought the party was five minutes away from getting aged to death or sent back to the beginning of time.   The consultation was productive. The party handed over their copious notes (purchased and otherwise). Orb proved to be able to speed-read even faster than Johann. She decided even she needed to consult with someone else (specifically Torenon), as loathe as she was to do so. She bid the party rest and resupply for the day in the meantime. She also told them that she'd send at least one of her bodyguards along with the party when they left. The bodyguard is a woman named Akia.   During downtime, Buzz hired a powerful archmage from the bar at Castle Fallingstar. The mage is a small fluffy humanoid white cat. Race is "catterkins". Has a little wand of shooting stars with a little star on the top. He's absolutely adorable. His name is Chatopé.

Rewards Granted

2 xp

Character(s) interacted with


Buzz has a wild brownie familiar. Name is (Yaza?).
Renedge Campaign
Johann Erstklein
Buzz Gizmo
Report Date
13 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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