2023/06/14: Searching Solace Part 1 Report Report in Renedge | World Anvil

2023/06/14: Searching Solace Part 1 Report

General Summary

Lillith, Buzz, Union, Kal'vus   Knight and Zaran were banished to some sort of 'phantom zone' by a surprise attack by hostiles resembling a squad of Khornate Chaos Space Marines. The rest of the party managed to defeat the attackers and verify that the exotic grenades they used had only displaced their friends, not killed them, but they weren't able to find a way to retrieve them. They were going to have to find their own way out.   The remaining party members checked over the bodies and found a variety of big armor pieces and several very evil projectile weapons that turned out to be demonically infused plasma weapons, four of them rifles and one a pistol.   The free party members carried on to the crash site. They retrieved the experimental stealth device from a crashed repulsor van after a tussle with a 50-foot-long rainbow-patterned wild magic centipede that was using the downed van as a lure. A scarecrow demon was summoned amidst the fight and slain. The party also recruited a former executive named Tebriv who had fallen (or been tossed) from a ways up the spire and was found trying to get the first aid/survival/emergency kit from the crashed van. It turned out that he knew about the kit because he was the VP of sales for the company that makes the van. He didn't know much about the Necrosis Corporation, but he was capable with a quarterstaff and he was able to help the party disassemble the van to get the stealth device out. He decided to tag along with the party after a conversation with Kal'vus convinced him that hanging out with these folks in another dimension would be safer than staying here. In the underlevels of the Spire, there may be people actively trying to kill him.   The group gave the demonic plasma pistol to Ik-chuk. He'd been remarkably cooperative, apparently very much appreciating that he was safer with these heroes than pretty much anywhere else.   Buzz took a closer look at the device and managed to shut it down, ending the stream of wild magic gas it was emitting but also removing any stealth properties it may have had active. He quickly determined that it was best if the party get it out of the city immediately; they were going to have incoming soon, if they didn't already. However, he promptly learned that teleporting out of the Spire was much harder and more dangerous than teleporting in.   The party was going to have to make their escape on foot.

Rewards Granted

  • Burlap Sack-Scarecrow head: Head slot only: +6 ac, operates as a hat of disguise, immune to fear, mental and insanity
  • Dread Overalls: +2 AC, +50 HP, +4 to all craft and repair checks, deep pockets
  • Clawed Haymaker gloves: Spell caster gloves, +5 to hit/damage/AC, 2d6 damage claws, grants auto proficiency for claws, +5 to farming and agriculture checks
  • Stoic Shoes of Doom: +4 ac, +10 HP, any one who hears you walk in them for 1 round is at -4 to hit you and -4 to save vs spells and effects used/caused by you
  • Amulet of Torn Souls: (Cursed) (Evil) Gain temporary HP by killing enemies that are afraid of you (fear game effect only), track by concentration any beings who have failed a save vs fear effects from you.

  • 2 Large prismatic Centipede mandibles (bastard sword/great club sized) (imbued with wild magic)
    4 Smaller Rainbow Centipede mandibles (short sword sized) Imbued with wild magic)
    Rainbow centipede chitin
      6 incredibly durable belts/straps
    60 belt pouches Large
    1 demon infused plasma pistol (2d10+10 damage)
    4 Large chonky demon infused Plasma rifles (3d10+15 damage)
    1 chestplate
    5 large armored boots
    3 left chonky armored shoulder pads

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Follow up on the first hint on Solace

    Character(s) interacted with

    Created Content

    Renedge Campaign
    Buzz Gizmo
    Report Date
    14 Jun 2023
    Primary Location
    Related Plots


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