2023/05/17: Searching for the Zenogovia Gem Part 5 Report Report in Renedge | World Anvil

2023/05/17: Searching for the Zenogovia Gem Part 5 Report

General Summary

Marc, Thalin, Senal, Albadan, Giordino, Simon, Parari, Zonoma   Senal's party had reached the cultist-controlled castle in Zenogovia. When we last left our heroes, they were telekinetically pulling out a chunk of wall partway up the second of four successive towers. They quietly stepped inside, then put the bricks back in place after they passed through.   Simon Fletcher, an infiltrator in service to the local rebellion, was already inside, sneaking through the halls of the castle in search of information. He noticed the party, and despite his skill at stealth, the keen-eared Marc heard him in return. Then, before he could withdraw, the both of them heard cultist footsteps incoming from the far side of Simon. Simon tried slipping into a room, hoping it was unoccupied, but was unlucky enough to find four torturer-guards. The party had similar thoughts and ran around the corner into the opened door as well.   Combat opened immediately. Marc and Zonoma put daggers and arrows into two of the guards, killing them. Thalin stabbed the third a bit, and then Senal cleaved the fourth in half and took Thalin's opponent to pieces.   Some quick negotiation led to a team-up between Simon and the party. They had compatible objectives. The group acquired one potential disguise from the dead guards.   After the nearby patrol passed without noticing the fight, the party made their way to the next bridge. Marc and Simon sneak-killed the watching guard. The party crossed to the third tower without incident.   The door at the other end of the bridge apparently led to a courtyard with a multitude of guards working on something. Instead of entering, the party elected to climb the outside stairs around and up to another door. The thief-types dealt with the alarm trap on that door. Most of the party went through subsequent hallway to the next door while Simon climbed the outside wall to try to look down on the courtyard. In the courtyard, guards were loading up a mule with books, apparently aiming to leave via the bridge down.   In the meantime, the rest of the party heard loud snoring from other side of the barred door at end of the hallway. Marc and Thalin got the door open. Inside was a pretty woman who was deep asleep. The party quietly looted the treasure-filled room.   After coming back outside, the party tried to telekinetically steal some of the books from the mule, but the books exploded with holy magic. Apparently they were supposed to be useful against the "undead" the cultists thought were downstairs. (The "undead" were actually the party, who had caused some inexplicable disturbances in the first tower earlier.)   The party chose a subtle route forward, making a precarious crossing underneath the last bridge, and infiltrated the last tower. They were briefly attacked by what seemed to be ghost children and wolves, but which may have been a trap or some dangerous illusion. Down one of the hallways they found a room full of shiny knightly weapons.

Rewards Granted

jagged axes x4, knives x4, some currency and misc. treasure

Character(s) interacted with


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