Remnant neonphage SATO and USA Fight over Central America

SATO and USA Fight over Central America

Military: War


Fighting from World War 3 carries over past the conclusion of the War with SATO Forces and US Forces continuing to Skirmish over the Panama Canal. Resulting in frequent Air and Naval engagements with mixed results on both sides. Because neither side could conclusively win the conflict, the Conflict continued for years.
  By 2039, The Panama Canal was secured by Columbian and Peruvian troops with the aid of the Brazilian Air Force and Venezuela Navy. They held it for a few years but eventually lost half of it to the Americans who then lost it to Raiders and then managed to regain it before SATO did.
  SATO surrendered the rest of Panama under the agreement that the US would stop impeding upon South America. For now, the two sides agreed to stop fighting though neither de-escalated their military presence.

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