Howling Canyon Geographic Location in Reluria | World Anvil
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Howling Canyon

Sure I know the way, but that place is dangerous. The plateau is desolate, and there are dust storms almost constantly around the area. The entrance to the canyon is on the south side, and you can hear it before you see it. The wind whistles across it, sounds like a pack of jackals howling during the hunt. At night, the canyon shimmers in the moonlight. Lots of reflective minerals in the there. Could be pretty if it wasn't so far away from proper dwarven civilization.
- Scout from Exur, Lasnia Stoneaxe


Located to the east of the dwarven kingdom of Exur, the canyon is the lone feature of interest in the great Plateau of Gom. The entrance is southern facing and goes back about half a mile into the great plateau in a curving fashion, creating an arc. It gets its name from the sounds that issue from the canyon as the wind whistles across and around it.   The interior of the canyon is unique. The walls are sprinkled with reflective minerals and crystal (common enough materials). During the day the light in the canyon can be disorienting. At night, moonlight causes the canyon to glow with all the reflective light.

Fauna & Flora

The area is fairly barren, as is typical for the plateau. Some small sturdy scrub brush can be found in pockets where the canyon catches rain. There is too much noise in the canyon for animals or birds to feel safe.


Reminants of an old Tyrian road run toward the Plateau of Gom to the south, but no one has been able to determine what the ancient Empire wanted with the place.   Noted dwarven scholar, Fargrim Rakenkrak believes that the tomb found within the canyon is the final resting place of the great dwarven hero Thedren Silverlight.


The location is known to the dwarves of Exur and some of the local barbarian tribes. Neither hold it with much significance. It is considered a geographical oddity, and not much more.
Alternative Name(s)
Canyon of the Crescent Moon
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