Fulvia Dawntraveler Character in Reluria | World Anvil
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Fulvia Dawntraveler

Duchess Fulvia Dawntraveler

I welcome you to the Duchy. Our house is your house for as long as you choose to stay. I only ask that you respect our customs and rules. They are to protect you and my people, and I take them very seriously. I don't tolerate ill mannered guests at my table. I don't mind a spirited debate, but insults and threats will get you nowhere but a one way trip to the border. I'm afraid I'm quite inflexible on that count. But enough talk of guidelines. We have some lovely fresh baked bread, a wonderful local cheese and cucumbers picked just this morning for you to enjoy before we begin our talk. If you would follow me, oh and do you prefer red or white wine? 
-Duchess Fulvia Dawntraveler to a visiting Imperial legate

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fulvia has coal black hair that she usually keeps free flowing, but out of her face. Her eyes are pecan brown and large, giving her an innocent look. She tends to dress well, favoring greens, blues and deep reds. Her clothing and jewelry are finely crafted, but not ostentatious. As a noble politician she is not particularly strong or quick. She is a bit clumsy, and often avoids events that require her to dance or move around too much.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As one of the Dawntraveler House, Fulvia has a bit of pedigree among other nobles of the Lands of Tarna. She lives up to the reputation of the halfling house of being politically savvy but cautious. Her father was the Duke of Tarna before her, and was well liked. Fulvia grew up learning much from her father and carried on many of policies, despite her mother's insistance that she focus on getting married and producing an heir. Her mother is also very vocal about turning the Duchy back into a country with an inherited ruler, putting the Dawntravelers firmly in control of the land. Fulvia very publicly disagrees with this, and has vowed to keep the election of a Duke or Duchess by the legates in place.   In time Fulvia, started a trend to unify the fragmented Houses into a single force. Seeing enemies from the north in the form of the The Brass Horde as well as raiders from Riftland, Fulvia started to put pressure on the noble Houses to stop the pointless bickering and start working together. She met with much resistance, as old grudges die hard. One of the worst was House Majus pretty much refusing to listen to anything any Dawntraveler ever says.   In fact house Majus went so far as to attempt to block the Duchy magistrates from entering Sprign Blossom after the Legate Ortho Majus died. His sister, Scyla Majus declared herself legate, without approval from the Duchess. Fulvia did not take this lightly and sent a force of her knights to Spring Blossom. But most surprisingly was a group from the Amberwood Commune seizing the Legate's Tower and holding Scyla and her retinue under guard until the knights arrived.   With this insurrection quelled, Fulvia ordered Scyla to be brought back to Casteel for trial. The Duchess then put Elis Panros in charge of Spring Blossom instead of another Majus family member. Scyla was found guilty of treason and hanged. This only perpetuated animosity between House Majus and House Downtraveler.   While Fulvia is one of the faithful of Tillia she has embraced the religion of the Three, in a further attempt to unify her varied people. She tries to give opportunities to all three types of folk in her Duchy, as well as setting an example for other halflings who want to hold important roles within the Empire of Theos.

Morality & Philosophy

One of the faithful to the goddess Tillia. Takes hospitality in her house and her duchy very seriously.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Known for her wise advice and willingness to listen to all sides of a problem. Well read and spends much of her free time delving into history, plays and music.

Vices & Personality flaws

Because of her need to provide sound council and leadership, she can be slow to act. Often gathering information from her legates and agents before giving a judgement.


Social Aptitude

Fulvia is always polite and genteel, even when she is pushing back. She approaches most conversations as if they are diplomatic negotiations, and works to impress and engage with her audience. When more forceful interactions are required, the duchess remains calm, but her sentences become short and direct. She never threatens, but relies her knight commander to handle the more hostile interactions on her behalf.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Duchess of Tarna
Light brown
Black waves
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cream with ruddy cheeks
Aligned Organization

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