Elf Species in Redspinet | World Anvil
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Versatile Race: Elves are a diverse race with various subraces, each possessing distinct characteristics and abilities. The most common subraces include High Elves, Wood Elves, and Dark Elves (Drow).
Longevity: Elves are known for their longevity, with an average lifespan of several centuries. This extended lifespan contributes to their wisdom and perspective on the world.
Agile and Dexterous: Elves are naturally agile and dexterous, making them skilled archers and adept in various forms of combat. They are also known for their keen senses, including keen vision and acute hearing.
Fey Ancestry: Elves have a connection to the Feywild, which grants them advantage on saving throws against being charmed and immunity to magical sleep effects.
Trance: Elves do not need to sleep. Instead, they enter a meditative state called a trance, which provides the benefits of a long rest in a shorter time.
Genetic Descendants

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Cover image: Ghost of the Net by


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