Inora Geographic Location in Rebus | World Anvil
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The first inhabited Shometrian planet. It is disk shaped and discovered by two Aephotorans, Ahnor and Areus, who led mortals through similarities between Slavalon and Shometria. Six more Aephotorans followed or found their way to Inora. Eventually forming the Council of Eight, the predominant religion on the planet.   The planet's most identifiable feature, though, is an enormous red crystal floating a few miles above the center of the disk. Legends tell of some strange being placing the crystal in the early stages of the planet, but very few know its origin. One thing that is known however, is that the crystal emanates magic. As such many mortals are drawn to it. Eventually the kingdom of Centuron was established, with its ruler presiding on a peninsula under the crystal.   To the east, across a mountainous river, lies the kingdom of Ekivaria. Ravaged and nearly destroyed by the Stone War, the people of Ekivaria have been tirelessly rebuilding. The capitol is drafted to reach new heights and many of the towns have begun to flourish. However ruins of the past still linger, haunting the memories of its citizens.   On the western region lies a harsh arid desert, with the kingdom of Capstone. Named after a magical tablet that was discovered in the sand. Once extracted, a spring burst from deep underground creating a lush oasis amidst the brutal environment. Over the years the oasis has grown, enabling the residents of Capstone to improve their quality of life and foundations.   The southern part of Inora is mostly ocean, with few smaller continents and islands spread throughout. These locales work to stay independent of any kingdom, however they hold and participate in trade routes in order to maintain agreeable terms with the rest of the world.


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