Omnia's Revolt- Rome Military Conflict in Rebellion of the Heir | World Anvil

Omnia's Revolt- Rome

The Conflict


Centuries of imprisonment and mistreatment at the hands of the dragons, the cruelest of which being the Lunar Dragonflight and Solar Dragonflight, led to growing resentment from their captives, most of which being Humans and Omnia. Talk of revolution and smaller scale revolts had happened before, however, most had failed in their main goal of preventing more draconic control from spreading and the further capturing of territory continued regardless.


City of Rome and surrounding area


The revolt was a wholesale slaughter on all sides with no prior negotiated terms.

The Engagement

Humans in particular, although aware of the sentience of dragons, by and large did not consider them as fitting conditions to be exempt from war crimes such as the use of toxins and carpet bombing. In many areas, Omnia who were still subjugated by the dragons were also fitted into the category of the dragons, despite being their prisoners.   Dragons likewise questioned the personhood of mortals, omnia, human, or otherwise, and used cruel tactics of their own in order to quell the revolt.


It is speculated that entire bloodlines of dragons were lost and the revolt contributed heavily in the decline and eventual extinction of many flights under Neia and Aien's rule, as outsiders who had pledged allegiance to them were still considered outcasts and largely disposable.   Mass graves as a result of the conflict as well as artifacts from the battle are still found littering the region to this day, being a wealth of knowledge in the warfare and weaponry of the late human era and early draconic age. The Rome Revolt is one of the largest and best preserved archeological sites of human vs dragon conflicts in the world.

Historical Significance


The revolt had an incredible impact on the histories of all sides involved.   For the Lunar Dragonflight, the event is still seen as a great embarrassment and fuel for further discrimination against mortals and those who shelter them. Speculation into the politics of the flight at the time has created the theory that the flight may have used the event as an excuse to execute those who expressed views opposing the more extreme within the group and further their objectives into domination of mortals through conquest. The Solar Dragonflight is often accredited with becoming much more peaceful due to the event and such heavy losses of their offspring, as well as distancing themselves from the Lunar flight, their closest allies.   For humankind, despite the near total loss of their forces and furthering conflicts with the omnia, the event was seen as a critical victory and survivors passed on knowledge of their victories, however small, across Europe and to the rest of the world to continue revolts and attack the dragons. For most humans who had not been captured or born within the confines of dragon dens, it was the first time outsiders had seen the internal structure of dragon settlements and the knowledge was heavily used in destroying them.   Although the precise date has long been forgotten, Omnia still remember the Rome Revolt as the first major change to the conflict and largely as the mark of Omnia's Liberation. For many survivors of the event, it was their first freedom in centuries.

Technological Advancement

A prototype version of the Anti-Dragon Lance is thought to have been deployed for the first time in this battle, due to archeological evidence left on dragon skeletons found in the mass graves littering the site. Shattered wings with no signs of healing are common, suggesting that humans had the technology to fire high force weaponry with precision. The helicopters used in the battle, of which only two have been found, are thought to also have been a massive boon to the mortal side of the conflict, as dragons could not get close to them while in operation. Extreme low pitched sound weaponry is mentioned in many first hand accounts, although no physical evidence of the technology has been found to this day.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Conflict Result
Failure to reclaim Rome by humans, devastating loss of life on all sides




Hundreds to thousands
12,000~ Human forces, 6,700~ omnia Minimum of 15 tanks, 27 ballista, 2 helicopters


Several high ranking members of flights, hundreds to thousands of incubating eggs, hundreds of lower ranking flight members.
Near total loss


Suppression of revolting mortals, securing the nesting areas, slaughter of invading humans and revolting omnia
Destroy areas of draconic occupation, kill leaders of the dragonflights, retake Rome


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