High Legionnaire Species in Reason's End | World Anvil

High Legionnaire

The most elite soldiers of the Ancient of Strife. Any one of them can wipe out a whole squad of mages. They are the counterparts of the Shards of Valour that serve the Archon of War.

In the ideal scenario, mages will face them with anti-tank weapons, or an actual tank. That's how powerful a single High Legionnaire can be.

Basic Information


Massive, hulking, and inhuman humanoids. Their head alone is half a metre tall. At full height, a High Legionnaire can easily reach three metres tall, with documented cases of stronger High Legionnaires reaching three-and-a-half metres.

Its mouth is filled with fangs. While the head has loose skin resembling a burlap sack, there is no skin covering its bulging muscles. Their strong bodies have higher resistance to physical and magic damage, as well as actual pain in the event they do get hurt.


Like all of the Lesser Aberrants of Strife, anger issues and significant violent tendencies are universal among the High Legionnaires. They need little, if any, reason to pick a fight and inflict horrible violence to its victims. That's all they live for.

In actual combat, their instincts for battle are incredible and generally fight smarter that one would expect.

Like all Lesser Aberrants of Strife, they have a rivalry with the Lesser Aberrants of War and if one is present, they will fight, not that a High Legionnaire needs a reason to fight otherwise.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

High Legionnaires can instinctively detect both the fearful and those with violent tendencies. The former make for great victims while the latter make for great accomplices.

High Legionnaire



Type: Lesser Aberrant
Subtype: Servant
Status: Kill-on-Sight
Estimated Numbers: N/A
Censor's Veil: Temporarily Uncensored.


Creator Power: Ancient of Strife
Alignment Status: Servitude
Sanity Damage: N/A
Corporeal Stability: N/A
Magic: N/A    


Combat Behaviour: Brawler
Threat Rating: High
Physical Damage: Resistant
Magical Damage: Resistant
Glyphs: Vulnerable
Notable Weaknesses: N/A


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