
"Fascinating that these creatures can live in such a hot environment. Which brings up the question how the hell is there water not evaporating either?"   ~ Unknown Adventurer

Basic Information


Salamanders are an amphibious lizard that have slim bodies, blunted snouts, a long tail that is present from larvae and adults, and four limbs.

Additional Information


Salamanders are seen as exotic animals in Fire Giant culture. Those that own them are seen as Master of Craft in their society or bare another honor that grants them the right to own salamanders. Most humanoid cultures incorrectly assume that they are offered as gifts to distinguished visitors in Fire Giant controlled territories.   Fire Giants lack the delicate ecosystem required to breed and raise salamanders. That task is delegated to the Sea Giants and the Sea Elf slaves. When the salamanders reach adulthood those that don't meet the standards of the Fire Giants are eaten, in secret, by the Sea elves. The others are breed before they are acquired by the Fire Giant delegates.   When the salamanders are delivered to their new owners they are introduced to their new enchanted pond home. During formal events the creatures are enchanted into being magical docile. They adorn the shoulders of the highest ranking Fire Giant. If there are multiple Fire Giants of the same rank at the same formal event the one whose occupied that rank the longest.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Salamanders are native to the Verdant Jungle and Uta'Gosh. They prefer cool, damp environments or some are primarily aquatic.

Average Intelligence

Salamanders depend on primal survival instincts. They lack any written language or discernible intelligent language.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Salamanders have eyes on either side of their head giving them a large field of view. They have an above average night vision.
Scientific Name
Caudata Urodela
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Salamanders vary in the color from red, brown, yellow, and grey. They can be spotted or stripped with black scales.


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