Vitu-Ghazi Building / Landmark in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Although the Selesnya Conclave of Ravnica believe that power is not centered in any one location, the massive world-tree Vitu-Ghazi still served for more than 10,000 years as the focus and guildhall of the guild.   Vitu-Ghazi is a mammoth tree nearly as tall as New Prahv. Buildings shaped from the living wood nestled in its huge, curving branches, connected by an intricate network of hanging bridges and ladders. Inside the main trunk there is a cathedral to nature, where worshippers come from all around Ravnica, and which also served as home to the guildmaster Trostani and the Dryad Conclave. At night, the branches of Vitu-Ghazi are lit aglow with firefly light.   Parun Mat'Selesnya is said to sleep inside Vitu-Ghazi leading to it being uprooted partially by Szadek so he could drink Mat'Selesnya in the past. It was also severely damaged by the Nephilim, and in the fight between Project Kraj and Rakdos . Nonetheless, it still managed to stand proud.  
Alternative Names
the City Tree / the World Tree

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