Mat'Selesnya Character in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Parun of the Selesnya Conclave and the only Parun to be considered a literal force of nature, an Elemental. This powerful being, much like other Elementals, cannot speak outwardly; instead it connects with those who revere it and nature, letting them speak for it. Mat'Selesnya conversed with Azor I telepathically as he suggested the The Guildpact to her. Finding it acceptable and in the worlds best interest, the elemental agreed and began to do her best to shape the future of Ravnica towards growth and harmony by founding the Selesnya Conclave.   After the initial founding of the Conclave, followers of the World-Soul gradually began losing their link with her. It is not known why, but many scholars speculate that the expansion of the city played a part in it. Because of this, the Conclave begin to fall into disarray. Three Dryad Sisters, Oba, Ses, Cim interred into a deep meditation with the World Tree and, through their devotion and the magic dwelling within them and Mat'Selesnya, they fused with the elemental and became one being known as Trostani.   With the Dryad sisters connected to the World Soul, they could relay its will to the followers of the Conclave
Honorary & Occupational Titles


the World Soul

the World Tree

Aligned Organization

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