Guardian's Guild Organization in Ravare | World Anvil

Guardian's Guild


Within Graystone no other military-merchant guild is respected as much as the Guardians. Each member goes through vigorous training for several decades before being assigned to protect a Guildmaster for the rest of their career as a Guardian.
Because of this often lifelong servitude, it is not uncommon for a Guardian and a Guildmaster to bond becoming allies, friends, and even lovers. With Guardians stationed within nearly every Guild within Graystone, the Guardian's Guild may hold the most political and economical power within Graystone since the decline of the Gravehunter's Guild.


I am not good at military stuff, plz help Michael.

Protection is our Monopoly

General Information

Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Alternative Names
Guard's Guild


It is common knowledge within Graystone that the Guardian's Guild has taken the most Guilds to the Urgrich Hall claiming to be infringed upon. Through this tactic, no other protection-based Guilds have managed to succeed for more than a few years.


Author's Notes

This article was created for Summer Camp 2021. This means it is likely incomplete and not to be taken as fully canon within the setting.

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