Gravehunter's Sigil Item in Ravare | World Anvil

Gravehunter's Sigil


Found on each and every Gravehunter is a sigil that declares their allegiance to the Guild. These simple, Blackstone amulets are crafted in a manner that aids other Gravehunters in quickly identifying your rank, origin, and often religion. Inside each Gravehunter's sigil is also a drop of blood to help the Guild identify who each sigil belongs to.



As stated above, every sigil has a drop of the owner's blood within it that helps it be magically identified by those with the knowledge to do so. Additionally, the outward appearance of the sigil can be altered to show your rank within the Guild, your origin, and your religion. The last two are not required but are often included.


Every single Sigil has an identifying rune within them that allows the Guild to track them down if necessary. They are so easy to identify and follow, with the correct knowledge known only to the Guild, that Gravehunters have been known to plant them on their marks to better track them.


As a Gravehunter, your sigil becomes more significant to you as you rise the ranks within the Guild and survive encounters with the Unfallen. Most Gravehunters would consider their sigil irreplaceable.

General Information

Item type
They are found on all Gravehunter's except the most disgraced. If found in the hands of a commoner, an investigation is quick to follow.
Significantly under a pound.
A radius of little over an inch.
Base Price
Gravehunter's Sigils are never sold.


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