Ellit Ruinwatch

Ex-Gravehunter Captain of Verdant

Reaver Captain Ellit Ruinwatch


This aged Centaur has seen much in his life, from the fall of his ancestral hunting ground to the Grave March. He was assigned to Verdant to aid Clan Magol in settling down in the city with minimal conflict. When his people left to their homeland, he decided he was far too old to survive the journey and chose to stay behind.


Most of his life had been spent as a member of the Gravehunter's Guild as the Captain of Verdant's Gravehunter's Guildhouse. With little in the way of organization or procedure, the Guildhouse was more of a den of mercenaries than anything.

General Information

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Gravehunter Captain, Magol Reaver
Year of Birth
9002 88 Years old
Current Residence
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I would kill a man for just one piece of paper."
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by Logo by Garret Grace Lewis, edited by Oneriwien.


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