Cadeal Expanse Geographic Location in Ravare | World Anvil

Cadeal Expanse (ka'dēl ikˈspans)


The Northern half of Tol-Adur.


Tol Brige
Region that connects Tol-Adur with the rest of Adurvech. It has several settlements constructed around massive Muddlewards to insure the bridge remains stable.
Nevar Vech
Region owned by the Nevary Asa. Home to most of the Deadfolk of Tol-Adur.
Mudwal Vech
Eastern forest of the Cadeal Expanse. Not very well documented and most commonly the home of the Brudur.
General Information
Alternative Name(s)
Sharpcliff Expanse
Location under

Cover image: by Logo by Garret Grace Lewis, edited by Oneriwien.


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