Brucklethorn Brush Species in Ravare | World Anvil

Brucklethorn Brush

A Collaborative Work of Krurnistal Xen'alza & Elias Dods.

Physical Description

With a tangle of needle-like thorns and grasping tendrils, the Brucklethorn Brush looks like a complete mess of painful, dry plant life. Although there are a few different variations of this plant that exist in the Jagged Expanse, the Brucklethorn Brush holds a stringent standard of being very pointy, very dry, and very happy to latch onto anything too close. The simple red flowers that hold the seeds of this plant have their own thorns too, tucked away behind and around the petals to look inconspicuous at first glance. These seeds are thrown about by the flowers, as they break off at the time of maturity and take root under arid conditions. Some Brucklethorn Brushes grow simple sand-colored berries as these seed pods mature in nearly irretrievable bundles deep within the tangled nest of thorny tendrils. Brucklethorn Brushes often struggle to grow amidst the predatory Frayroot Grass as they compete for nutrients in the windswept plains.


As simple as many brushes are, the Brucklethorn Brush exists to live and let live in the Motionless Land. Hardy animals who have been lucky enough to survive the landscape’s many shortcomings will find a difficult meal out of this plant. Sharp and dry pieces of stem and thorn can eviscerate the soft insides of a mouth or throat. The berries that can be found on the occasional brush are tasteless and bland. When burned as kindling it audibly pops and cracks with intensity from inside the fire, sending shards flying out in all directions. Any contact from this plant causes irritation to the skin and shards caught in boots or garments may cause rashes if left unattended. The tangle of bramble can even go so far as to trip beasts or catch and stop cartwheels attempting to pass.

The Brush Family of the Plains

Brushes are common through the many worlds, with even more common traits such as brambles, berries or interesting flowers. The Brucklethorn Brush does not actually come from The Motionless Land but rather was brought here many years ago and allowed to adapt to the harsh region. Perhaps some entity of the natural balance decided that these lands were too bland for its taste, and tried to add some color to the landscape. Or perhaps an animal of the avian or herding variety brought it along during a great migration. All that can be surmised is that this brush, in its own little way, has invaded the Motionless Land in an attempt to flourish.

General Information

Scientific Name
Blecakir Gerifornius
Key Characteristics
Spikey Shrubbery, Skin Irritant, Travel Hazard, Popping Kindling, Bland Berries.
Locations Found
In the sweeping plains of the Motionless Land of the Jagged Expanse.

Cover image: by Damion Otter
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