Arachnemancer Rank/Title in Rastaag | World Anvil
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There are those that server dark deities and work in the shadows, none moreso than the followers of Axashalavor. The ancient spider goddess is known to all as The Great Deceiver and is a very powerful entity which feeds off of lies and treachery. She expects nothing less from her Arachnemancers, or priests of varying levels. She delights in the havoc and pain they cause and relishes it all the more when are able to accomplish these goals in the light of day and in the halls of righteous leaders. Though she is an evil entity her followers do not all have to commit deceit that inflicts pain or sorrow, though she does enjoy this more, any level of lying or trickery can please her. She enjoys watching any type of deceit, and rumors swirl that she has allowed those that tricked her or her allies to live out of respect for the mortals that were so cunning.


Show you are adept at deception and able to further the cause of Axashalavor and complete her trials.


Pass the Weaver Trials. She does not care of the status, sex, or race of those that worship her.


Once Axashalavor comes across prey that sought her out, she sought out, or happened across her path she will test them. This typically leads to her attempting to control them as well. If the individual seems like a strong person she will ask them for a favor, while afflicting them with curses, to see if they are able to complete the task. If they complete this task then she will offer them the title of Arachnemancer and the privilege to serve her. If they refuse she will most likely continue to harm them in an attempt to kill them and take their soul to her realm.


An arachnemancer is meant to sow distrust and to deceive in any way possible. The only objective greater is whatever favor she asks of you.


Please The Great Deceiver


Axashalavor will bestow magical and supernatural blessings upon you.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Black garments are typical for arachnemancers. They will also typically have images of spiders or webs on their clothing, jewelry, weapons, or even their skin.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

This will only occur if you renounce her or if she renounces you. Either way, you have made an enemy for life you will seek your soul.
Religious, Clerical
Form of Address
Wretched Weaver, Deceiver's Pet
Alternative Naming
Favored Prey, Liespinner,
Equates to
This is a broad category and is equivalent to any other individual who holds a position in their religious group. This can be seen as similar to the way a cleric worships a deity and is rewarded with abilities and power.
Source of Authority


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