Ormur- Capital Settlement in Rassoran | World Anvil
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Ormur- Capital

City History, Culture, Trade and Description   Serves as the capital of Ormur. It is a grand shining city, with several large statues depicting elvin warriors towering over its walls. The Guardians of Ormur, these statues are enchanted with magic to protect the city, and Indeed, Ormur is the only true elvin city to have survived the Calamity that destroyed the empire. Its architecture reflects this, and no where else is the former glory of the elves put so brazingly on display.    The Citidel of Cintras sits not far outside of the city, and the two are very closely connected.    Important Characters   Emperor Acavia- A beautiful human woman, she has silver hair and sharp brown eyes. She wears modest but very fine garments and an amulet of luminous crystal. Acavia is gentle and soft spoken, but also greedy and power hungry, and very distrustful of men, which makes for a rocky relationship with her current ambassador (she much preferred the now arch mage Amnity).    General Letta- An older hlafing woman, she has blonde hair and bright hazel eyes, and walks with a limp. She wears leather armor and wields an enchanted warhammer and shield. Letta is diplomatic but capricious.   Ambassador Ephes- A human man with thin red hair and grey eyes. He wears flowing and expensive robes with ornate designs. Ephes dislikes everyone except other humans.   Secretary Mina- she is a tall human woman, with uneven auburn hair and blue eyes. She wears well-made clothing, and is very dedicated to her job serving the emperor.    Giardo- A human man who is cultured in appearance, with messy white hair and dark brown eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a short sword and dagger. 
  • He runs the Silver Runners Gang, a smuggling ring that specializes in magical items, and operates out of 
  • Giardo seeks revenge against the aristocrat who framed him, Ergent.
  Local Quests
  • A nobleman named Ergent seeks a company of adventurers to help him recover an artifact from an elvin shrine somewhere higher up in the eastern mountains. However, his information is completely wrong, and this is a trap set by Giardo to kill him.
Notable Buildings And Districts
  • The Halls of Elexin- a towering castle in the center of the city, made from glistening marble stone and each tower cap stoned with gold. Built by the elves to honor the great dragon Elixen after he helped them defeat the demons at the battles of the Ashen Mountains, it has been claimed as the seat of power from which the Emperor rules Ormur. 
  • Center Square- a large market place with stores of every kind, the ground paved with gilded silver stones and bright banners on every corner. 
  • Cloud top District- the residential area near the Halls, where the wealthy and powerful live
  • Lower city- those living outside the city walls or on the edges, the working and servant class that runs the city. It still hosts the beautiful elvin architecture, but it has fallen to pieces from neglect. 
 Shops   Weapon Smith- A store in the Center Square with all manner of weapons and armor on display. It is also known for its magical weapons and equipment, which is made by their resident master smith. The store is run by a human woman named Nina, who is exceptionally beautiful, with thick black hair and soft brown eyes. She wears modest garments and numerous rings. However it is her dwarven husband Contro who makes the items in a large forge far up in the mountains where the magic is easily melded to shape. Contro has thick blonde hair and grey eyes. He wears modest garments and several small tools hang from his belt.   Ena's Emporium- The shop is a two-story half-timbered building, with a green tile roof. The interior is neat and clean, a few floating candles light the room which is filled with elvin carved shelves, which are all filled with books, scrolls, and magical items. Run by Ena, a retired Cintras mage who decided to spend her twilight years making a comfortable life for herself, celebrating each sale of 100 gold or more by sharing a glass of elvin wine with her customer.    Healing and potions- outside the city is a small hut, where an older man lives. Her name is Ingvar, and he is an herbalist from Madgar who came to study the mountains in the east. He is an outcast and largely looked down upon, but it is  well known that not even the mages can rival his knowledge of herbs and medicines.    General store- A large building in the Center Square, with large displays of goods outside. Inside it is a large 2 story space with a walk way running along the edge of the second story. It is run by a human man named Betta, who is rugged in appearance, with blonde hair and dark amber eyes. He wears fine raiment and jewelry, and is always smiling.    Golden Raindrop Hospice- Located in Center Square, the Golden Raindrop chandelier   outskirtsAccommodations   Tailored Tatses- a 2 story building just outside the Center Square. It is a beautiful building with a tea room taking up the downstairs, and the store run out of the second story. It is run by Fina, a beautiful human woman, has long copper hair and sharp green eyes, and a round nose. She wears fine raiment and jewelry. Fina is pleasant and timid on the surface, but has a secret savage side of her. The Silver Runners smuggling gang operates out of the basement, and Fina is romantically involved with its leader Giardo.   magic candles- A very skinny building squeezed between several others, this is a magic candle shop, with each scented candle gives a different effect. Run by Pina, a short halfing woman who has silver hair and grey eyes who was kicked out of Cintras for accidentally burning down a tower with her candles. Each candle costs 50 gold, and can be lit 5 times before it burns away. 
  • lavender- gives advantage of Concentration checks until next long rest
  • coffee- removes 1 level of exaustion
  • vanilla- gives you the ability to speak and read a language of your choice for the day.
  • rose- makes you more attractive until your next long rest, advantage on persuasion checks
Shady dealer- Sello has red hair and large amber eyes. He wears worn clothing and a gray cloak. Sello is covetous and cruel, and the only thing better than having is taking. He works for the Silver runners, and can usually be found hanging around the Dancing Cat or pick pocketing people in Center Square.    Other NPC’s   Guard- Biordo has golden hair and blue eyes, and a distinctive mark on his face. He wears plate mail and wields a halberd. Biordo is hunting those who knew him in a previous life of crime.   Farmer- Dila, a female dwarf, is tall and heavyset, with thin white hair and bright grey eyes. She wears well-made clothing and riding boots. Dila has an animal companion, a hunting dog named Moro.   merchant- Beno, a human man, has brown hair and blue eyes, and walks with a limp. He wears sturdy clothing and carries a blackthorn staff. Beno has a raven named Loria.   Traveler- Maestro, a halfing man, is thin, with curly auburn hair and amber eyes. He wears travel-stained clothing and riding boots. Maestro is searching for his missing daughter.   Random- Bino, a halfing man, pleasant in appearance, with uneven red hair and sharp blue eyes. He wears modest garments and carries an oak staff. Bino is a terrible liar.


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