Gladrian- Granlow Settlement in Rassoran | World Anvil
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Gladrian- Granlow

City History, Culture, Trade and Description   A large rural village that grew up along the Southern track, and an intersection of roads between Port Westfall and the dwarven mining city Balfaldron. Many farmers from the surrounding area come to sell their goods at its bustling market, and though there is very little in terms of fine goods, the city is prosperous and reflects its wealth. It is also the closest city to the Lionsden, the local base of operations for the Talons in Gladrian, and so there is both an increased respect, and superstition regarding the Talons here.   Important Characters   Baron Atur of Clan Drakegut- A very large dwarf with a thick black beard, dark calculating eyes and soot stained skin from working in the mines as a child. He has worked his way through the ranks of the Steelsword Guild, and was appointed as Baron by the king who needed a strong leader who knew finance, after the previous Baron ran away while embezzling the city funds. Still unofficially runs the city Guild chapter, and though is strong, is terrified of losing what he has worked so hard to gain.   Captain Trenton- A paladin captain, tall and imposing but young for his position. He grew up in this town and has spent time in Hansbur Pass, but is yet to see combat and is resentful of that fact, growing bored and irritable that his talent is being wasted as a glorified town guard.   Father Fenton- a lanky and fair skinned human man with long sandy blond hair and balding on top. Runs the local religious ceremonies in the temples.   Book Keeper Athyer- A Halfling who has long white hair and narrow brown eyes. He wears modest garments.   Guild Master Beardahr of clan Steelgift- recently murdered, look to Cutthroat Business quest.   Afton Lyne/ Sumali - A powerful businessman who controls the majority of the "independent" businesses in the city outside of the Steelswords guild. He has also found himself is the good graces of the Baron, and is one of his most trusted advisors, however he has also found himself in hot water with Captain Trenton and Sargent Finy as their lead suspect in the recent murders and disappearances.   Local Quests   Cut Throat Business main quest   Bounty placed on a pack of Dire Wolves that have been killing cattle in nearby farms, 25 gold reward.   Notable Buildings And Districts   Barons Home- a large building overlooking the center market.   Center Market- A large and bustling market place of shops and market stalls, mostly farmers and tradesman selling their surplus food goods.   Guild Meeting House- an office space located above a workshop and barracks where guild apprentices sleep.   Residential districts- single story buildings, narrow streets and a bustling busy atmosphere.   Shops   Blacksmith- A Warehouse owned by the Steelswords where all the raw materials and rare metals are stored before being shipped out. There is a forge connected to it, where the overseer dwarf Turi of Clan Bonegrip works in his spare time for commission. He has dirty blond hair and a large mustache.   General store- a modest shop that buys excess good from the merchants guild to supplement their own supplies. The front counter is run by a halfling named Omar. It is owned by Afton Lyne.   Virdon's Alehouse- a modest but rundown tavern in the Center Market, known for good drinks and food at a reasonable price. Its homely, with various treasures and trinkets hanging on walls, and a beloved place by those living nearby. Run by a halfing male named Virdon and his wife Selea. Virdon is a tall halfing at nearly 5 feet, and a former adventurer who came back home to try and spread cheer to his hometown. Selea is a beautiful halfing woman with long blonde hair and a stunning smile, both are afraid that the recent business will drive customers to the Vaulted Crown, and they will have to sell out to Afton Lyne.   Vaulted Crown- a two-storey half-timbered tavern and inn with vaulted ceilings and a large fireplace. It has a large dinning room, known for its delicious dinners and drinks. Sleeping Accommodations consist of several small rooms with very comfortable beds, nicely furnished rooms and complimentary wine with 3 nights stay. The bar is run by a dwarf named Tinge who is dressed in formal, but slightly disheveled and stained clothes. Frealda is a young woman who works as a bar maid and house keeper, with very nice and modest uniform. The Vaulted Crown is owned and opperated by Afton Lyne, who often is seen eating in the private dining room in the back.   Tailor- A small store in the market, run by Ennel, a short and slender human woman , with white hair and narrow blue eyes. She wears a simple but beautiful and colorful dress and a bronze amulet. She is often arguing over the price of cloth in other market stalls. Her business is part owned by Afton Lyne.   Other NPC’s   Guard- Shamus has long black hair and sharp grey eyes, and a small mouth. He wears Gladrian chest chest plate and wields a halberd and short sword. Robert is thoughtless and cynical, very sensitive to perceived slights to his authority.   Sargent Finy- A dwarf male who has brown hair and large brown eyes. He wears plate armor and wields a longsword. Finy is insensitive but steadfast. He has been appointed to head the investigation of the recent murders and disappearances.   farmer- George is tall, with tangled blonde hair and narrow amber eyes. He wears travel-stained clothing and carries a rowan staff.   traveling merchant- Robern has black hair and hazel eyes. He wears travel-stained clothing and a wide-brimmed hat. Robern has a sable ferret named Bethon. sells trinkets and bobles that he's collected from his cart, potions?


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