Pale in Random Exclamations | World Anvil


The pale moon sat in the sky shining wan light onto the pond which then reflected it back. In the early morning hours everything seemed washed out and dull in black and white. I could see the trees across the water and the path beneath my feet but they seemed almost surreal. I made my way slowly around the pond and into the tree-lined tunnel. Here the moon's light failed to broach the canopy except in fits and starts where the trees were further apart.   I didn't like coming out on these pale mornings. Joggers and bikers were out with their LED lamps which blinded them to the light of the moon and their air pods which deafened them to the quiet of the early morning. To each his own but their need to exercise impacted my joy in the spooky night-like setting.   Once I saw a snake in the path warming itself in the night. I doubt the jogger running in the other direction was even aware. Maybe they didn't even want to be aware. There are bobcats and coyotes. I have seen them. There is nature even in this suburban wonderland. Most people are easy to avoid. All the moreso because they don't want to know; to see.


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