Fate in Random Exclamations | World Anvil


Here I am. Right where they said I would be. I am looking at the end of my world as I have known it. Everything will be different now.   Two years ago I went to a school carnival. They are fun events where each class runs a booth of some sort and you go around eating at their cat cafes, or going through their haunted houses. This year one class had a fortune telling booth set up. You'd enter the room through a draped doorway and there would be a class member at a table with a crystal ball, or tarot cards, or maybe even a palm reader. This wasn't exactly a new, or even an original booth idea.   My friends and I thought it would be fun so we went one at a time. When it was my turn I headed in only it wasn't a classmate unless they have a world-class makeup artist in their class, and there were three people, not just one. Instead of a crystal ball, they had one eyeball between the three of them. Just thinking about it makes me squeamish but it wasn't real. I just kept telling myself that.   One of them, a young woman probably a few years older than me, tells me that I have a special destiny. Of course I do, right? That's what I'm paying for after all! The one who looks to be about my mom's age tells me that I needn't worry. She has woven my thread very long, and so unless a god intervenes, I will survive the trials she set into my future. She goes on to tell me that in time I will come to the end of my school days and face my first challenge, starting a full-time job. My job will be to help weave the threads of fate at their company. [What? This is a crazy way to recruit!]   The last of the three, the one who seems closest to my grandmother in age, tells me that she has been gentle with her cut and that I will live to a grand old age and end my days peacefully, surrounded by those I love as I go.   They all cackle and tell me that their time with me is done and suggest I leave. Well, they are running a booth and I should respect their time. I head for the curtain and then out to meet my friends. They aren't going to believe this!


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