Maverick Character in Rakuen | World Anvil
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Maverick, formerly Ren, ascends to godhood. Hidden by the light, chanting hymns and tunes, he is known among the destitute, downtrodden, and sneaky-figured lots of the realms.

Divine Domains

Thieves, messengers, and the destitute.


Mischief Night: On the night before Samhain, the rowdy gods of Rakuen are celebrated, usually by children and youth. This is a night filled with revelry of the devious sort: broken windows, graffiti, catcalling, and even more nasty pranks occur. Although adults loathe the holiday, and set up curfews, it never seems to stop people from getting in trouble, and also somehow getting away with it. It is said that gods like Mischief and Maverick gallavant about, supporting those that channel their energies. Still others say those with darker intents, like The Maledictorian, Nacht, and other darker souls thrive on such a night where the boundaries of the world are simply not respected.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Maverick was formerly Ren, an individual who served with the Masters of the Shrines and helped bring about the events of the War in Heaven. Aiding in guiding Zoe Miyamizu on an extended journey across the former supercontinent of Rakuen in the 6th Age, serving as part of a ritual to reawaken The Vestiges. At the completion of their quest, Ren ascended, forming into the god of thieves, messengers, and the destitute.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral

Character Portrait image: by Lea


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