The Vestiges Organization in Rakuen | World Anvil
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The Vestiges

The Vestiges are ancient deities that aided in forming the world. These beings are difficult to describe as they represent abstract concepts of genesis and the multiverse as a whole. By their nature, the Vestiges are unknowable in their being, but profound in their implications upon the planet. Without their existence, the multiverse simply wouldn’t exist, and their lack of existence upon particularly the Material Plane would mean that the laws of physics would operate entirely differently.   With their domains encompassing huge conceptions of reality, The Vestiges tend to require very little to enact their will upon the multiverse. Their needs are few, and their requirement to act even fewer. However, with because The Vestiges are so intertwined with existence itself, they tend to be very neutrally focused. Their goals tend to be toward orienting the world in one way or another, making sure that a larger balance is maintained. Furthermore, if any Vestige made an active effort to alter the multiverse in any way, it would be a sign of something very cataclysmic happening which they are trying to prevent.
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
The Creators, The Progenitors
Controlled Territories


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