Mosan Material in Rajah’s Curse Universe | World Anvil
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Takanda’s greatest resource is Mosan. Mosan, also known as Erussim or Oscillite, is a red gem stone, which is only available in Takanda Jungle. In terms of value it is the diamond of the Rajah's Curse Universe.


Material Characteristics

Mosan is typically crimson red. However it comes in a variety of colors depend on its cut, purity and heat treatment, it can be anywhere from clear to black.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Mosan is a type of gemstone however shares many properties with basically vibranium from Wakanda. Like vibranium, Musan is absorb, store, and release large amounts of kinetic energy. The stone is both hard and durable. Mosan is can also change color depending the lighting. It is this property that allows people to distinguish it from rubies.

Geology & Geography

Mosan is found in the Takanda Jungle. However according to Durgaradasa this was not always the case. Durga supposedly awarded the Mosan for leading the other four kingdoms in the fight against Damon,

History & Usage


According to Durgaradasa legend, the five kingdoms was fought over Mosan when it was first discovered. After the war Takanda decided to limit the spread of Mosan and become a mostly self-sufficient nation.


According to Durgaradasa was originally found in central India by the Takandans and the Bhree. The Bhree tried to claim the land from themselves. Soon other countries got involved and the war of the five kingdom began.

Everyday use

Similar to vibranium, Mosan can be used at energy and all sorts of sciencey things. Takandans sew Mosan into their clothing and make armor out of it. Mosan is also used in jewelry.

Cultural Significance and Usage

According to Durgaradasa faith, Mosan was a gift from Durga.
Mosan is the rarest and most valuable gemstone in the known world.
Shades of red
Common State
Solid Crystalline
Related Locations

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