Hræzla Character in Raguk | World Anvil
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Hræzla (Huh-rez-la)

The great giant squid named Hræzla, whose name means "Terror" in ‘ice common’, haunted the colder seas for many years until he stopped appearing. It has been centuries since he was last confirmed to be seen, however as of late there are some ship disappearances that suggest he may have returned.   These disappearances have occurred off the northeastern coast of Abranus and have appeared to affect both imperial ships as well as those traveling to the dwarven port cities.  The largest ship lost is an imperial warship with 200 sailors aboard.  Rumors among goblin villages also indicate a number of fisherman, mostly using small kayaks and skiffs have also disappeared.  These started not long after a large powerful storm ravaged the area.
Chaotic Evil
Current Location


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